Rover Scouts Ages 18 - 26
Paddle Your Own Canoe
Rover Scouts bring their diverse knowledge to Scouting adventures and grow through new experiences. Badges help members recognize and celebrate their personal progression and encourage them to set new goals. Rover Scouts have the opportunity to work towards a variety of badges, including, Outdoor Adventure Skills.
Outdoor Adventure Skills are earned in the completion of adventures. Nine areas of skills are part of every Scouting Section, from Beaver Scouts to Rover Scouts. Each of the nine skills is defined in nine progressive stages.
The Canadian Rover Scout Award is the pinnacle award for both the Rover Scout Section as well as for the five Scouts Canada Sections.​
Each Rover Scout can also view requirements and track their progress of the Personal Achievement Badges and Outdoor Adventure Skills using the ScoutsTracker website.
Rover Scout Promises
Rover Scout Law
Rover Scout Motto
On my honour; I promise that I will do my best; To do my duty to God and the Queen; To help other people at all times; and to carry out the spirit of the Scout Law.
A Scout is helpful and trustworthy,
Kind and cheerful,
Considerate and clean,
and wise in the use of all resources.
Go Beyond.
On my honour; I promise that I will do my best, To respect my country and my beliefs, To help other people at all times; and to carry out the spirit of the Scout Law.
* By providing an additional promise for members to choose from - Scouts Canada can create an open space for youth to express their unique dedication. Now is the opportunity to further reflect Scouts Canada's relevancy and commitment to diversity and inclusion in an ever changing world, by welcoming a new alternative Scout Promise.
to a Scouter Today!